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Work Week Hustle – Best Practices for Advertising Jobs Online

Advertising for open positions online has become one of the best ways to reach potential candidates. Many start their job search online and find it easier to seek out what they need rather than sending resumes out blindly. If one is going to be successful in finding qualified candidates online, there needs to be a solid strategy in place. Here are some best practices for advertising jobs online.

Research Your Options

Before you start listing jobs online, you’ll want to do some research so you get the furthest reach and the most for your dollar. Establish a budget and search job boards to find out which ones are free and which cost money. Definitely use the free options, as it will only further your cause with little to no hassle. Each job board is different, so it is important use your research to determine which job boards are likely to be most effective in reaching the candidates you need in order to fill your position. For example, if you need to reach a larger scale or have a very specific job to fill (specific certifications, licences, or specialties) Indeed is a good option, although you will need a larger budget to be effective.

Be Clear in Your Posts

Once you have chosen your job boards, you are ready to get started. It is important to be clear in the job description and requirements, but what is often overlooked is the submission process. When advertising for open positions online, make sure to have the submission guidelines for potential candidates clearly stated in the description and/or requirements. If candidates do not have clear instructions, they will likely create their own process and you will end up getting resumes mailed, emailed, submitted online, etc. (a lot of the time without clear names or call back information). Let the candidates know exactly where to send their resumes, in what format and with what information listed (full name, job applying, phone number etc.).

Be Assertive

Don’t wait for the candidates to come to you, take some time to search the online resumes available and reach out to those that you feel would best fit the position. Often I have found that reaching out opens doors that otherwise would have been closed. For example, I have reached out to a potential candidate that replied back saying they had already found a position. I then asked if they knew of anyone looking. She sent 3 people to me and I was able to find all 3 of them new positions. Being assertive in your search may help you to expand your network to find the perfect fit for the position even if they did not see your original listing.

Taking a specific approach to advertising open positions online will allow you to create a smoother process. This will not only bring in new potential candidates to interview, but it will also help with the weeding out process.