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Work Week Hustle- Best Ways to Conduct a Job Interview When Sick

As a hiring manager, one of the worst possible things is getting sick on interview day. There is so much preparation that goes into candidates to interview. After hours of reading resumes, running employment checks, and scheduling meeting times; the day finally comes and you wake up sick! You obviously don’t want to miss the day, but you also don’t want to compromise the health of your team or the potential candidate. So what do you do?

Assess Your Options

The one benefit you have as the one scheduling the interviews, is you can also be the one to reschedule them. But that may not be your best option, especially if you are on a deadline to fill a position. Depending on the situation and resources you have available, you may be able to continue with the scheduled meetings by having a co-worker you trust or boss cover your initial interviews. They can determine call backs, and you can do a more in-depth interview with those candidates at a later date.

If you do not have that option, then the next step is to determine if you can allow a few more days before having to choose a potential candidate. If so, then rescheduling may be your best option.

Making the Call

It is not uncommon during the winter months for all types of illnesses to be going around. If there is a candidate you are excited to interview, then communicate that with them when you call to reschedule so they are excited to interview. It will hopefully keep them from taking a job in the mean time.

You may also experience candidates in the same situation, so be sure to keep an open mind and schedule (if possible) to keep from any additional health compromises entering your facility. Postponing an interview can benefit both parties involved, but ultimately, as the hiring manager, it’s your call.