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Work Week Hustle – Best Ways to Shut Down Workplace Gossip

The way humans connect with each other is through communication. We learn about each other, are entertained by stories and like to feel like we are “in the know”. The people we spend the most amount of time with in a given day is generally our co-workers. This obviously means that these are the people we share the most information. Whether it is intentional or not, gossip in the workplace is a given. Our employees and even some managers love to talk. As managers, we expect a certain level of gossip within the workplace. The key is to get ahead of the gossip before it gets out of hand. It is your job to take charge of the situation before it creates a toxic work environment. Below are the best ways to shut down workplace gossip.

Types of Toxic Gossip

Employees generate all kinds of gossip within the workplace. Some are harmless stories about their personal lives and others have the ability to dismantle the positivity within the workplace. Here are a few of the types of gossip that can quickly turn toxic:

  • Anxiety Driven Gossip
  • Causing co-workers to question job security
  • Causing strife between other co-workers
  • Disrupting daily motivation or production
  • Causing distrust between employees and management

When you notice certain themes within the workplace gossip that has a cause and effect, it is time to step in and take charge of the situation. Some things you can play out ahead of time and know that it will cause an issue, the important thing is to address the issue with those involved as quickly as possible.

How to Handle Gossip

The best way to approach a gossip issue is by approaching it from a coaching standpoint. Many people who have an issue with gossiping often have that trait as a lifelong learned behavior. Trying to undo it can take some time and patience. The first thing to do is to learn the motivation behind the gossip. Some employees simply do not even realize they are causing strife. Some are sharing information in an effort to help another co-worker. If the intentions are not malice, then the first approach is to bring it to the co-workers attention, discuss what issues their gossip is causing and ask that they apologize. At that point, you can monitor that employee to see if the issue has been resolved or if further action needs to take place.

If the gossip was spread out of malice intent, you may need to look at the employee as a whole. Intentionally stirring up negative feelings within the workplace is the root of a bigger issue. Toxic people can easily bring down a whole department if left to their own devices. Punishment may need to be harsher for this person, documentation of their actions and a conversation about possible termination in the future if the behavior continues.

Every employee is different and has different intentions with their gossip. As a manager, it is your responsibility to determine the best source of action for each individual situation. Be sure to keep your eyes open and never ignore an issue when you see it start to arise. The longer negative gossip that circulates, the harder it is to manage.