918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Work Week Hustle – Employers

There is so much work involved when it comes to hiring new staff. Going through the resumes, choosing possible candidates, scheduling and preparing for interviews… all while still having to manage your existing team and do the daily duties that make up your job.

It’s exhausting, and sometimes it’s easier to push some things off until you absolutely need to do them. While some things are easier to push off, others will actually make your job harder in the long run. When it comes to interviewing perspective candidates, it will actually HELP the process by running a full background check before scheduling an interview.

Say you have the perfect candidate. Your interview goes great, they’re funny, bright and intelligent. They seem like they will fit in well with your team. So you decide to offer them the position. You make the appropriate calls, schedule a start date, and then run a background check only to find out that they have a felony. Now, you have to go through the process of undoing all that you have already done and start over from square one.

Running a full background before scheduling an interview will help alleviate your frustration and save time by showing you who is legally qualified for the position. Taking the extra time at the beginning of the process will help you both physically and emotionally in the long run.