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Work Week Hustle – Hilarious Interview Stories That You Won’t Believe Are Actually True

We have all been there… we go into an interview feeling ready and leave with a “what just happened?” feeling. Sometimes it has to do with you (maybe you weren’t as ready as you thought), and other times it is completely on the hiring manager (they are unprepared or distracted). Either way, it can make for some good learning experiences and some even better stories. Below are some hilarious interview stories that you won’t believe are actually true.

Interviewed by a CAT

I once went into the HR office of a medical clinic to interview for a medical billing position. The HR rep had a kitten under her desk with a litter box, food and a bunch of toys. It was so weird to see an animal in a medical clinic, is that even sanitary? The HR Rep introduced herself and her new kitten, Spunky. She then told me that SPUNKY THE CAT will be interviewing me today. What? I thought she was kidding, but she held up the kitten and talked in a baby voice the whole time. Every time I answered a question, she said “What do you think of that, Spunky?”. It was soo strange. I ended up getting a second interview with the medical billing office manager and I was so relieved. I don’t think I could go through that TWICE. ~Sarah from Tulsa

The Flustered Face Plant

I am going to be totally honest, I was not ready for this interview. I was in my last week of finals and pulling all-nighters to study and finish my college thesis for graduation. I showed up anyway because it was a great opportunity and I was hoping I could wing it. I totally bombed. I was a complete basket case on every question that was asked! Like when asked where I expect to be in 5 years I gave a whole story that did not include the company I was applying for…it was very clear by the end of it that the hiring manager was not impressed at all.

THEN on the way out the door my heel caught on my pants and I dove face first into the pavement in front of the entire office. One guy asked if I was okay and said “what a splash of a first impression”. Everyone laughed. I was so humiliated I just got up like nothing happened and walked straight to my car. Needless to say, I DID NOT get a call back for a second interview. ~Michelle from Tulsa

I Guess You’re Hired?

The funniest interview I have ever been on was also the strangest. I went into a restaurant to drop off my application and the host said that the manager would be able to interview me now. So I sat in the waiting area as she walked up to get him. He looked in my direction, then turned around and started talking to the cooks again. It was clear they were just goofing around. I waited for almost 30 minutes before he decided to come over to me. I introduced myself and put my hand out to shake his and he just looked at me and said, “Okay”.

He skimmed my resume and then when asking about my work history he just said “why would you even want to work there?” ummm….. such a strange question to answer! After that he stared at me, I’m talking 2-5 minutes of uninterrupted eye contact and no words. Finally, I said “do you have any more questions?” He replied, “I mean……..I guess you’re hired?” LIKE HE WAS ASKING ME! What?! I didn’t know if I should answer. I said “Thanks?” He told me to come back the next day for orientation and when I asked what I should wear he said “I don’t know, ask one of them” and pointed to the other staff.

I left so confused. I ended up working there for 3 years as I made my way through college. He was fired 2 weeks after I started for getting in a fist fight with an employee and the new manager was soo much better at communication. ~Trevor from OKC

Work Day Interview or Hoax?

I was offered a work day interview, where I would go through 2-3 hours of work as a trainee and they would evaluate my skill level before the interview. It was the most bizarre day I have ever experienced! I showed up early and the manager basically told me that the pay is terrible and I will hate the job …. but please stay because they can’t get anyone to take the job.


I decided to stay for the interview, it’s just a few hours and maybe it’s not that bad. They stuck me with a guy that acted like I was in his way the whole time. He kept saying “boink – excuse me… boink- excuse me”… He called me “sport” and literally shimmied his shoulders every time I spoke to him. At lunch, the manager introduced me as “his friend Sport” gave me a big party hat to wear and made everyone sing a welcome song.

When I threw away my trash from lunch, everyone in the lunch room yelled “GOAL” and one guy ran around the room like he was celebrating a win. It was the weirdest situation I have ever experienced. At that point, I was done. I didn’t even stay for the interview, I just said I needed to go to the bathroom and left. This whole thing had to be a hoax. There is no way an office functions like that for real! ~ Jeffrey from Tulsa

As we all know, not every interview is going to lead to a job. Sometimes what we thought was a good opportunity simply isn’t the job for you. Some of these “bad” interviews can become some great stories down the road. Try to keep a sense of humor when unexpected things happen. Do your best to learn from them, shake it off and move onto the next opportunity with a renewed perspective. The best is yet to come!