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Work Week Hustle – How to Align Yourself with a Successful New Year

New Year, New Start! I think it’s safe to say that 2020 was one for the books! As in – close that book and never open it again! We are ALL ready for a new start, and this year we are going to make it count regardless of what the world may throw at us. But the truth is, we don’t really know what 2021 is going to look like. Therefore, in order to make it a successful year we need to get ahead of the game. Preparation is key! Regardless of what obstacles may come, here is a step by step way to align yourself with a successful new year.

It’s All About Intentions

The first thing that needs to happen in order to have a successful year is to know what will make it successful. The idea of success is different for everyone so you need to create some goals or resolutions that you want to achieve by the end of the year. Write out your intentions for 2021 on paper so you can see them, put them in order from most important to least and start to envision what success will look like to you if you are able to achieve all of your goals this year.

Create Your Blueprint

After setting your intentions, create a steady and realistic pace by writing out a blueprint for how you will achieve each resolution or goal. Do your research – if you need to take a class, look into when those classes are available and what steps need to be taken to join the class. Paperwork, deadlines; whatever tasks or obstacles my be along your path to achieving your goal, be sure to write them down.

After you have collected all the information you need, create a blueprint to success for each goal. Write down in order the steps you need to take and give yourself a realistic and manageable amount of time to conquer each task. New Year’s resolutions are set at the beginning of the year so you will have all year long to achieve them. Do not try to do everything at once! Set a pace that allows you to achieve your goals without getting stressed or overwhelmed.

You Betta Work

This is the MOST important step to achieving success in 2021, you have got to put in the work. The feeling of success is so great because you know how hard it was to get there. You achieved something that meant a lot and often it takes a lot of hard work, focus and stamina in order to make it to the end. If you need to create mini goals with little rewards when achieved in order to keep yourself focused on your end goal all year long then do it! Whatever you think you need, this is your journey. Just be sure to keep your mind focused by preparing for the work you will need to do and then putting your nose to the grind and getting it done.

Establish your meaning of success by setting your intentions and goals, creating a blueprint for achieving them and putting in the work. Goals without work is just a dream. Let’s make our dreams a reality in 2021.