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Work Week Hustle – How to Capitalize on Your Strengths in the Workplace

As many companies start to transition out of 2020 pandemic mode and back into the workforce, there are changes being made left and right. Some companies are hiring more employees while others are downsizing. Whatever the situation, as an employee you want to find ways to stand out and show your worth. One way to get noticed in the workplace is to do what you do best. Identify your strengths and find ways to capitalize on them. Below is 3 tips on how to capitalize on your strengths in the workplace.

Answer the Question

The first thing you need to do is identify exactly what your strengths are so you can use them to the fullest extent. To do this you need to answer the question “what do I do best?”. The best way to answer this question is to think of how you problem solve. Think of a few issues that you have had to address within your job and play out exactly how you solved the problem. It may be that you helped facilitate an issue between co-workers by talking it out with them. Or maybe you were able to organize a better system for everyone to leave for lunch without the office being empty. Whatever the problem was, hone in on exactly how you solved it. Those are your core strengths, or natural abilities. Things you can do without any effort. Core strengths are the base of everything you do so it’s important to identify what they are and find ways to use them.

Look for Opportunities

Once you know your strengths, consciously look for ways you can use them in the workplace. Find ways to help others or maybe take it upon yourself to improve something without being asked (Pro-tip: make sure you run your ideas by your manager before taking charge). Going above and beyond in your job will surely get you noticed and add value to you as an employee. It will also give you a chance to use your talents in a proficient way which will not only build your experience but also build up the company in which you work.

Next Level Success

Finding your core strengths and using them will allow you to do what you do best and build confidence in your job. This may encourage you to take it to the next level. If there is something you truly enjoy doing, consider looking into additional training or classes to increase your level of success both personally and professionally. Research what your next steps are and talk to your manager about it. Perhaps they may want to help you with additional training that could possibly lead to a promotion to a higher level within the company.

Finding your strengths and capitalizing on them is really just about finding yourself. If you know what you are good at and can find ways to use your strengths within the workplace, then the sky is the limit on the amount of success you can achieve.