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Work Week Hustle – How to Find a Job During the Holiday Season

It is a common misconception that during the holiday season, hiring managers delay hiring candidates until after the New Year. Many people use this time for vacation to spend time with family so why bother, right? The truth is, business still have to function in the last quarter of the year EVEN IF it’s the holidays and ESPECIALLY in the year of a pandemic. Regardless of the time of year, positions still need to be filled. Unless you do not plan to be in town for interviews (which is unlikely for most this year), now is NOT the time to slow your job search. In fact, it would be more of a benefit for you to keep going. Below is 3 main ways to help find a job during the holiday season.

Rev It Up

Most candidates are taking time off of the job search during the holidays, but the jobs are still needing to be filled. This gives you the perfect opportunity to be seen FIRST. Instead of slowing down, rev-up your job search by applying for everything you see available in your field. Less candidates searching means more chances for you. Take this time to increase your search and interviewing options. People are still hiring.

Take a Risk

Another way to increase your chances of finding a job during the holiday season is by taking a few risks. It’s a job search, what do you have to lose? Try applying for positions you may not have considered before. You may catch a hiring manager in a time of immediate need and they conduct an interview now rather than later.

Practice Makes Perfect

While everyone else is saying no, be a yes man during the holiday season! Say yes to every interviewing opportunity, even if the position is not 100% ideal. Don’t let holiday plans cause you to miss out on an interview opportunity. All interviews are a fact finding mission, never a waste of time. Even if you do not get the job or dislike the position available you are opening doors and learning from each interview. You may get a better position in the future because of something you learned about yourself or simply because the practice allowed you to be more comfortable and show your true self. I have even seen hiring managers say no to one position because they feel the candidate is better suited for a different position on their team. The possibilities are endless as long as you show up!

Try Again

Was there a position you really wanted but never got a call back? Try applying again or calling to follow up. If the position is still available, making it known that you are eager and interested may end up getting you in the door to an interview. Even if you don’t end up getting that position, they could have some positive feedback that may help you in your job search moving forward.

Searching for a job can be tough, but increasing your job search during the holiday season may just be the thing that lands you the job. Rev-up your search, take a few risks and try applying again. Following these 3 steps will be sure to help you find a job during the holiday season.