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Work Week Hustle – How to Get Noticed Using Common Job Search Strategies

There are several strategies one can use when searching for a new job. Regardless of the field of work you choose, when you are searching for a job, the hustle is the same. Below are the top 2 most common job search strategies and how to add a little personal flare to them that will help get you noticed.

Apply Online

One of the most common and useful job search strategies is searching and applying online. You are able to fill out multiple applications from the comfort of your own home. Another plus is that most positions are updated daily so you have the opportunity to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time. It is also beneficial to fill out applications online because there are some companies that require it; so if you were to call or show up in person they would likely refer you to the website.

How to Stand Out

The downside to filling out online applications is that everyone else is also doing this. It is easy to get lost is the shuffle. In order to get yourself noticed, don’t rely only on online applications. After you have submitted your application online, call or (even better) go to the office in person to confirm they have received it. Doing this will serve to get your application and resume to the top of the pile, put you at the forefront of their minds and quite possibly even get you an interview on the spot (so dress to impress!). Sometimes taking the extra step to follow up in person can open a door that would otherwise be closed.


Another popular job search strategy is creating and cultivating your network. A network is a group of people in your career field that could connect you with a potential job. Whether it is your school professor, a previous co-worker or family member, using your network can help you get to the next level in your career. Even if you are just starting out in your field and do not have any connections, you can create a network through public networking events. Search online for local mixers, dinners or other events being put on by organizations or the chamber of commerce.

How to Stand Out

Cultivating a good network is all about a good impression. If you find a networking event you want to attend, be sure to come prepared with something extra so you’ll be sure to be remembered. Add something silly like a Risen candy to your business card with a little note that says “there’s no RISEN to forget my number”. Giving something extra and unexpected will be sure to get you noticed above the rest.

Everyone has a strategy to their job search, especially in today’s market. Whether you are filling out online applications or networking with the best of them, you still have to find a way to stand out among the crowd. Taking the extra time to add a little personal flare to your job search will be sure to get you noticed.