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Work Week Hustle – How to Increase Staff Productivity During the Holidays

As the seasonal pressure builds, many employees are focused on what changes this year may bring to their plans. Many companies are unable to provide extra time off or bonuses due to the tumultuous staffing shortage we have all experienced.

As the year comes to a close and the holidays near, it is common for employee productivity to slow down and motivation to disappear. Keep productive energy in the workplace high by renewing motivation for your employees. Do your best to focus on what brings joy and positivity to your office – and a little fun competition doesn’t hurt either. Here are 3 ways to increase staff productivity in the workplace.

Jingle Bell Rock

A good way to build motivation get the productivity ball rolling is by creating some (achievable) Holiday or End of the Year Goals. Give your team a mark to reach and a set prize once the goal is obtained. You can even create a chart of some sort that shows their progress. Put a jingle bell in a main area of your office or work area. Encourage employees to ring the bell when they do something towards reaching the goal. For example, if it’s a sales goal – have employees ring the bell every time they build a sale towards the overall goal. This will get your team actively involved in reaching the goal and working together to get their prize.

Holiday Decorating Competition

If your office is in need of some festive décor or you just want to have a little fun; facilitate a holiday decorating competition for your team. The rule is there is no rules on how you can decorate. The more creative the better! Don’t have extra time in the office? Have them create something at home to put on display at work. Then choose a panel of managers (or just yourself) to be the judges. Give out fun ribbons or awards. This may not seem like it helps with productivity but it definitely does. Silly competitions like this will lift spirits in the office and decrease stress among your team. Create an environment that your employees want to be in and they will be more motivated to produce during the holiday season.


The DONUT STOP is a great way to introduce a final push of productivity the last week of December. Create a cute little stop sign decorated with donuts, lights, or whatever your heart desires. Create a special space in the break room area where you can keep donuts and coffee stocked every morning for the entire last week of the year.

Keep spirits high by starting off each morning with donuts, coffee and a pep talk for your team to encourage your team to keep pushing that last week. DONUT STOP pushing towards your goals (unless it’s for a donut). This will motivate your team to keep going while also letting them know it’s okay to take a break from time to time. There is no need to pile on more stress at the end of the year. Keep it fun and light while also increasing productivity that last week.

The end of the year can be a difficult time for productivity, but progress is still possible while also keeping spirits high in your work place. Create goals, competition and most of all have a little fun with your team. It is the holiday season after all.

For more tips and tricks to help in your office, CLICK HERE to check out our blog.