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Work Week Hustle: How to Recruit New Talent in a Post Pandemic Market

It is safe to say that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been significant in the daily functioning of each of our lives. We have had to adapt to new ways of doing things in every aspect of our lives, and that also includes how business owners conduct business and how hiring managers and recruiters find talent. Some adjustments have been temporary, however, there are many ways of doing things that are not going anywhere. The old ways of doing things are simply not working anymore. Below is a few ways that recruiting has changed post pandemic and how to be successful moving forward.

Open Interview Options

It is no longer necessary to limit your recruiting to only in person interviews. Hiring managers are now leaning more towards phone and video interviews as they are more cost effective, convenient, and safe. Many hiring managers are either beginning the hiring process with phone or video interviews or they are allowing the candidates the option. In person interviews are still very much alive, however, many recruiters are waiting until later in the hiring process to meet candidates face to face.

Don’t Let Location be a Limiting Factor  

Technology played a huge role in getting through the pandemic and it has continued to take the forefront as we move into a post pandemic workforce. Many candidates are looking for a more flexible schedule or work from home option and many employers are shifting to meet that need. If you are able to jump on this trend, having employees work from home can severely decrease the overhead costs of a company as well as increase the talent pool. This will allow recruiters to search outside of the general area for top candidates.

Even if the job you are trying to fill is an in-office position, many candidates are willing to relocate for a great position as they are searching for a change. When recruiting online, try looking outside of your normal range for talent that may consider relocation.

Promote Safety and Concern for Employees

One of the biggest complaints many candidates and employees have had when returning to the workforce is the lack of overall concern their employers have for their safety and well-being. COVID-19 is still very much a factor and many employees are overworked due to a lack of healthy employees. The physical “perks” many candidates are in search of have shifted from a stocked pantry and longer lunch break to health benefits, more paid sick days, flexible hours and work from home options when sick.

Not all companies can provide all of these options, but the overall consensus among candidates is that they want to feel like they are joining a company that genuinely cares about their employees and doesn’t view them as just another working body. That means having strong safety protocols and benefits that reflect the care of each individual employee.

Communication is Key

While Technology can be a good thing in moving the workforce forward, it is not the perfect end all solution. One main issue with conducting business long distance is a possible gap in communication. Often information can be left to assumptions or interpreted differently over email or phone rather than in person. In order to overcome this hurdle, it is more important than ever for recruiters and hiring managers to increase their level of communication with candidates. Make sure before you get off your Zoom interview or send that email that next steps have been properly communicated and that everyone is on the same page. Leaving gaps in communication can cause confusion or uneasiness with candidates which could decrease their level of confidence in the position or company as a whole.

Recruiting new talent is a revolving door of change. We much adapt to new circumstances, new technologies and our ever changing culture. In order to get the best results, we must be willing to go with the tides and allow our processes to adjust accordingly. As we move fully into this post pandemic job market, allowing for open interview options, expanding location searches, promoting safety and increasing communication will most definitely increase your success rate as you search for top talent to fill open positions.