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Work Week Hustle – How to Successfully Manage Company Transitions

I think we have all heard the phrase “during these uncertain times” way more times than we cared to this past year. The truth is, even with 2020 behind us, many companies are continuing to face changes and transitions. As a manager, employees look to you to set the tone as you help facilitate any changes within the company that may or may not affect them. Below are 3 tips on how to successfully manage company transitions.

Address & Acknowledge

One of the first things a manager can do to facilitate company transitions and changes is to acknowledge that change is happening. Going about your day acting like nothing is happening will only make the situation worse. Employees know when things are happening and the less it’s talked about, the more stress and tension builds within your team. Take some time to meet with your team, acknowledge verbally that changes are being made and/or transitions are happening. You do not have to give any details that you are not authorized or prepared to give, simply address the situation and put to bed any rumors that may be circulating that could possibly cause unnecessary stress to your employees.

Open Communication

Be sure to keep the lines of communication open with employees from beginning to end. Keep in mind that they are likely concerned and anxious about how the changes going on may affect them. Communicate to your team that your door is always open if they have concerns about what is happening. Addressing issues face-to-face and allowing questions will help keep the situation positive, build trust and ease worries.  

Be The Example

As stressful as a transition can be, it is up to you as the manager to set the tone. This means lead by example by staying positive, being kind, and having an overall good attitude towards your employees. Show them that even when things are different, a good attitude will help get everyone through the day a little easier. Find the positives within the transition and share them with excitement to your team. Remember, they look to you first so be sure that you check your attitude, behavior and even facial expressions before walking in the door. If you say everything is fine with a grimace on your face, that is not going to translate very positively. If you are able to remain positive, your team will likely follow.

Transitions and changes can be hard, especially when it is your job to facilitate them successfully for your team. A little open communication and positivity can go a long way to making a transition a success.