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Work Week Hustle – New Hire Procedures that will Ease the On-boarding Process

This week we will be talking about new hire procedures. In order to help seamlessly add a new employee to your team, you want to do everything you can to set both yourself AND the new hire up for success. The best way to do that is to have a few standard procedures that will help everyone adjust.

Introduction Meeting

One suggestion is to have an introduction meeting the morning of their first day. This will allow you to get any on boarding paperwork finished, go over office rules, and address expectations. Remember; we don’t know what we don’t know… taking the time to get your new hire acclimated correctly in their new position will benefit you and your team.

Office Tour & Team Introduction

Another way to help a new employee adjust is to give them a tour of the office. Let them know where the bathroom is, work stations, the break room, and introduce them to the team in which they will be working. Make sure they are comfortable in the space they will be working and assign someone to help them when needed. If it is a position that requires a trainer, then you can assign this task to them. It will give them a bonding experience and help establish trust between the trainer and trainee.

I often also add another tour at the end of their first week after they have had a chance to get to know their job duties better and are less overwhelmed. They may have additional questions or simply forget where you told them something was on the first day.

End of the Day Meeting

The last thing that will help when adding a new employee to your team is an end of the day meeting. Take about 5 minutes at the end of the first work day to check in with your trainer and new employee. Ask how they are adjusting and if they need anything. This will help you understand if your new employee is a good fit with your team; if they are picking up the job requirements, and getting along with co-workers. Feedback from your trainer will also help in establishing trust within your team by making them feel heard and important in the process.

Taking on a new employee can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! Making room in your day to add specific new hire procedures will allow you to have a more positive overall outcome.