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Work Week Hustle – Organizational Strategies to Help Speed Up the Hiring Process

Hiring candidates, especially at peak times of the year, can be difficult. Once the job has been posted to the public, the applications come flooding in. Aside from running your office and managing your team, how will you have the time to get to it all? Here are a few organizational strategies to help speed up the hiring process.

Categorize by Job Title

One of the most overwhelming parts of the hiring process is managing the online applications. Regardless of what the position is, hiring managers are SURE to have a flood of applications… Some having experience in that position, some having no experience or background at all and just hoping that’s okay. If you are hiring for multiple positions, the best way to minimize the chaos is to organize applications by position title. That way, you can focus on one at a time instead of a giant stack.

If you are only hiring for one position, your stack of applications may be smaller but still overwhelming. As applications and resumes come in, sort them in folders by possibly qualified/not qualified so you can start with the more qualified candidates first. Storing these folders will help you in the present and also in the future. If/When you need to look at those candidates again, you will have a head start on the hiring process by already having a group to look over before posting the available position.

Create Interview Scheduling Blocks

Create in your schedule blocks of time that can/will be available to interview. Doing this ahead of time will help minimize the stress of creating time during your already busy work week. This will also help whoever may be scheduling your interviews. Whether it be your secretary, staffing agency, etc. Having blocks of time available will allow interviews to be scheduled without interrupting your daily activities.

Consider Internal Options First

Before spending the time, stress and money on recruiting outside your office, consider what talent you may have internally. Whether it is a promotion for a current employee or simply a connection of one of your employees, it could benefit you as a hiring manager to start there first. Many companies promote from inside or use trusted staff members as references for possible candidates. Starting internally may cut your job in half because the hiring process will be shorter and move with more ease than external recruitment.

Taking a little time to create some organizational strategies will help the hiring process move more smoothly and speedily. Whether you use the above strategies or have a few tricks of your own, being organized will surely help minimize your stress levels. The above strategies are just a few to ensure your hiring process runs according to what you need. What are some other organizational strategies you use to help speed up the hiring process?