918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Work Week Hustle- Relationship Between Staffing Agency & Candidate

Living this life is busy. Often we find that there aren’t enough hours in the day to finish everything that needs to get done. As we get older, it’s not only our own schedule, but the schedule of our kids, spouses, family members, etc. that we are juggling. I don’t know how many times I have thought to myself, “if I just had a clone of myself or an extra set of hands, I could get everything done”. When looking for a job, it’s even harder. Sending out thousands of resumes, making call after call to employers, scheduling interviews, waiting for call backs… and that is just for the positions you KNOW are available.

That is where a staffing agency comes in handy. They are actually designed to be that extra set of hands for you! When you work with a staffing agency, you are tripling your efforts in the workplace by allowing others to do all the heaving lifting for you. They send out the resumes, make the calls, schedule the interviews and most of the time- they know of the PERFECT job that you didn’t even know was available.

Staffing agencies have connections that you may not have. They can help get you in the door in places that you may not be able to get in by yourself. One of the best ways to be successful with a staffing agency is to build a relationship with the recruiters. Let them know who you are, your interests, career goals and needs. Call regularly to check in so you are constantly at the top of their minds. If you are doing your part to build the relationship, then they will be sure to do their part to work hard for you.

Put trust in your recruiters and believe they are doing their best to find the perfect position for you. Humans work best within community. It’s how we learn to trust, care for and love each other. In every aspect of life, there is relationship and community. Letting your staffing agency get to know you and you know them is the best way to find your perfect job in the shortest amount of time.