918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Work Week Hustle: Rock the Job Fair Recipe for Success

A job or career fair can have a lot of different dynamics, depending on which one you go to. Some are more casual, while others have a more formal setting. Whether you are attending a job fair with the hopes of joining a law firm or getting a summer internship, the way you approach it should be the same. Below we will walk through the best recipe for success for landing a job or (at least a solid interview prospect) at your next career fair.


  • 1 Positive Attitude
  • 1 Professional Appearance
  • 10+ Printed Resumes (adjust amount for size of job fair)
  • 1 Dash of Confidence

Recipe for Success

Show up to a job fair like you are meeting your future boss. Because you just might be! A positive attitude, professional appearance, resume in hand and a dash of confidence is all one needs to catch the attention of hiring managers.

Interview Ready
*Small Job Fair

The preparation it takes to be interview ready at a large job fair may be slightly different than a small targeted one. For example, if you were to attend one of our medical or clerical job fairs; it would be smaller and targeted towards specific positions. You would likely be talking to one of our recruiters about the positions that interest you. This is easier to prepare for, as you can tailor your resume specifically for the position you are seeking.

*Large Job Fair

At a larger job fair, there may be multiple employers seeking out candidates for an array of positions. You may not know fully what your options are until you get there. This type of job fair is slightly more challenging to prepare for as they are not focused on one particular industry or position type. You will need to focus more on your strengths and experience overall on your resume. Also, be sure to print of multiple copies of your resume. You want to leave one with each employer so they can call you back if they are not scheduling on the spot interviews. Try to get a list of the companies that will be present ahead of time and research their open positions online so you can focus your time on the positions you are seeking.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Either type of job fair should prompt you to dress professionally. Remember, the first impression is everything. Often that starts with your outward appearance and how you carry yourself. Even if you are applying for a position as a janitor, you should still show up looking professional, put together and confident. This will help catch the hiring managers attention and show you are serious about getting a job.

Job fairs can be intimidating, but they don’t have to be. As long as you have done your research and prep-work ahead of time, you will be able to walk in confident and ready to be put to work.