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Work Week Hustle – Successful Tips for Moving UP in the Company

If you are someone that loves the company you work for and are ready to look into ways to move up, then this article is for you. There are so many little things people do to try to get noticed, however, it is not always how many hours you work or how hard you run around the office that will turn heads in your direction. Having a solid, easy focal point to guide your decisions is the best way to get what you want. Below are a few successful tips for moving UP in the company.

Be an Asset

One of the number one things that will get you noticed in any company is an overall display of your worth. Companies are less willing to let an employee go if they have proven to be an asset. If you are looking to move up in the company, becoming an asset should be your number one focus and how you filter all of your decision making when it comes to your job. This mindset will not only keep you focused on your goal, but it will also keep you out of the workplace drama; freeing your time up for more important things.

Become A Problem Solver

One way to show yourself as an asset to the company is to become a problem solver. Don’t wait for the issues to be brought up, seek them out and find a solution without being asked or prompted. You do not have to go looking for trouble, just focus on being pro-active. If you see something that needs to be fixed, bring it to the attention of someone that can help fix it. Instead of going to your boss with a problem, offer a solution. Address the issue and the solution at the same time. As an active employee, you should always be looking for ways to improve your position and department. Leave things better than you found them.

Never Stop Learning

Have the mindset to never be satisfied with the knowledge that you have obtained in the past. If you are wanting to be a manager or be promoted into a higher role, find out what it is that you need to know in order to make that dream a reality. Do you need a certification? Experience running a certain type of software? Whatever it is, you should always be searching for something new to learn, one more tool to add to your belt. Becoming comfortable or complacent within your own skills and knowledge will only hold you back from moving forward in your career.

Let Everybody Know Your Name

Do you feel like nobody knows who you are outside of your own team? There’s an easy way to fix that. Become an active company member by offering to take on more responsibilities outside of your job. Organize a canned food drive or offer to help with the company picnic. Volunteer to to take notes at the office wide meetings. Look for things happening in your office (or create them yourself) that will allow you to branch out and meet new people. If you are in charge of a charity event, company wide emails or flyers with your name and title will be expected in the inbox of every employee. Even if they haven’t met you, people will start to know your name and recognizing you as someone that is helpful and has skills outside of their own position.

Finding ways to become an asset to your company is the best way to help you move up in the company. Show your value, your willingness to be a team player, your assertiveness and your genuine care for the company and they will never want to let you go. Everyone wants to be that type of employee, but very few actually get there. Ask yourself what you would do if you owned the company, and be that. It won’t take long to be noticed for your outstanding efforts by those that have the authority to hire UP.