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Work Week Hustle – Top Ways to Become a Stand-Out Employee

Are you looking for a raise? Hoping to be considered for that big promotion? There are so many opportunities that come up in our professional lives that being considered a stand out employee could really help get you that foot in the door. The truth is, simply being good at your job isn’t going to get you noticed. In order to be considered a stand out employee, you have to be willing to go above and beyond what your job requires. Here are some top ways to help you become a stand out employee.

Take Initiative

A great way to stand out from the crowd is to take on projects that nobody else wants to tackle. It can be as small as taking out the office trash or watering the plants. Are there some small tasks you can take off your managers plate that may lighten their load for the week? Taking initiative in the office when nobody else will is definitely a way to get noticed. Take it upon yourself to fix small issues, be a team player, volunteer to help on projects, get involved with work extracurricular activities…. all of these things are easy ways to help launch you to stand out employee status.

Continue to Network

There is no such thing as too many business connections. The more people you know, the more opportunities will come your way. Just because you have a job doesn’t mean you should stop trying to build meaningful work connections. Being well known in your industry will not only make you stand out as an employee, but also open many doors that may be shut to your other peers. Build a rapport with co-workers, managers, owners and peers within your own company as well as your industry.

Be Kind & Professional ALWAYS

We all know that when you work with other people, the likeliness that you will always agree and get along is slim to none. There will be times within every working relationship where the opportunity to be unkind, snarky or downright unprofessional will be available for the taking. In the heat of the moment, many will act out of emotion and respond in a negative manner. BUT if you can practice self-control and remember to stay composed and professional, people will really take notice. Do your best to be kind and professional to everyone. This includes people you don’t like. Regardless of what has happened between you and a co-worker, DO NOT stoop to a lower level by bad mouthing, gossiping or spreading rumors about others in your office. This will most definitely backfire and it may be you on the chopping block. If you can manage to be kind and professional in all work situations, you are sure to stand out from the crowd.

Remember Who You Represent

Keep in mind when starting a new job that you represent your company on and off work. Every employee should disengage from their job during their personal time in order to recharge. In order to become a stand out employee, you need to keep in mind that you are representing your company. Explicit photos or illegal activity on your social media will make you stand out in all the wrong ways at work. Remember, employers have the right to administer random drug tests and background screens at will during your time of employment. You will want to make sure you are able to comply when making decisions in your personal time. Those that make the status of stand out employees are above reproach during work hours and also during their personal time.

In order to be a stand out employee, you have to rise to a higher level than those around you. Taking initiative when others won’t, continuing to network, staying professional and representing your company well are all great way to stand out from your peers. Get noticed as a rock star employee and start seeing those opportunities come your way.