918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Work Week Hustle – Unique Ways to Market Your Small Business

One of the challenges many small businesses face is the ability to market on a larger scale due to a limited budget. While it may not be in your means as a small business to do large scale marketing campaigns, there are still many things you can do in order to create awareness and bring in a new customer base. Below are 3 unique ways to market your small business.

Join Together

As summer approaches, the opportunities to market your business expands as you are able to get outside and reach more people. When marketing your business this summer, expand your reach by taking advantage of strategic partnerships. Create an all around win for everyone by joining together with other businesses to offer multiple products and services in a fun way. For example, if you are a spa service offering multiple services and you want to get the word out, one way you can utilize strategic partnerships is to join together with other businesses and hold a summer ice cream social. Offer free ice cream and messages, while other similar businesses like clinics, chiropractors, etc. can offer services as well. This will increase your awareness by bringing in customers that may not initially come to see you. They may come for some ice cream or to get their COVID vaccination from the clinic but while they are there, they can get a message and possibly sign up for additional services through your company. This will also allow you to offset the cost of ice cream and advertising with the other businesses involved.

Social Fun

If you are a small business and you do not have social pages (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) then you are missing out on some amazing FREE marketing for your business. People love to engage online and it is a great tool to expand awareness of your business without having to dip into your budget. One unique way to engage people is to create event or contests encouraging your followers to promote your business. For example, create a contest where people can create safe and legal ways to promote your business. Each person is to create something original with your business name or logo, take a picture and upload onto their social media pages and tag your business page. The most creative submission wins a prize of some sort. Let people have some fun with your business while increasing awareness to all of their followers.

Community Connections

Another great way to increase awareness of your business is to find out what community events are happening that month and get involved. If there is a festival, herbal affair, holiday event, etc. being promoted in the community, make some calls and see if you can put up a booth or add a sponsorship. The best way to connect with others in the community is to be physically present at events and social gatherings. People will be attending these events that may not see you otherwise. This is a great opportunity to get in front of new potential customers without having to spend hundreds of dollars on billboards or tv commercials.

Whatever you choose to do to promote your business, be sure you stay true to your core values. Find what is unique about your business and do your best to capitalize on that. Have fun, think outside of the box, but stay consistent with your message. If you are able to do this, then the sky is the limit on what you can do to market your small business.