Work Week Hustle – Time Sheets and Falsifying Time
In this week's Work Week Hustle, we will be talking about the importance of filling out your time sheet correctly and making sure it is received by the right person.

Work Week Hustle – 5 Out of the Box Tips on How to Obtain Your Dream Job
If you are aspiring for something more fulfilling than a job that pays the bills, it may take a bit more work than just going through the motions. Here are 5 out of the box tips on how to obtain your dream job.

Work Week Hustle – 3 Tips on How to Fast Track Your Professional Plan
Wherever you are on your professional path, the best way to reach your goal is to have a solid plan in place. Many already have an idea of what they need to do in order to reach their professional goals, here are a few tips on how to fast track your plan and avoid possible pit-falls along the way.

Swift Staffing HR Files – Requirements to Work in the Medical Field
We have started a segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month's question is:

Work Week Hustle – The Negative Effects of Workplace Gossip
When is it that the exchange of information you have with co-workers moves from basic connection to toxic negativity? Below we will discuss exactly what is considered gossip and the negative effects it can have in the workplace.

Work Week Hustle- 3 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication in a Crisis
There are so many different forms of communication and personality types that it can be difficult to know how to best approach co-workers with important information. Here are 3 tips for effective workplace communication in a crisis.

Work Week Hustle- 3 Tips to Help Your Resume Stand Out
The goal is to get your resume to stand out in a GOOD way. Bright colors, fancy fonts and images will definitely get you noticed, but if your resume is too over the top it's likely to reflect poorly on you. Here are 3 main tips on how to help your resume stand out in a good way.

Swift Staffing HR Files- Using PTO Time During Pandemic
We have started a segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month's question is...

Work Week Hustle – How to Stay Pro-Active When the Job Market Stops
It can be discouraging when the job market stops due to uncontrollable circumstances, but take heart! You can still stay pro-active in your job search. Here are 3 top ways to remain proactive when the job market stops.

Work Week Hustle: What You Need to Know About Drug Testing and Finding a Job
If you use marijuana or other drugs for medical or recreational use, it is best to get ahead of the game by knowing what the laws/rules are in your specific state and field of work. Here is what you need to know about drug testing and finding a job.