Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files- Fired For Withholding Personal Information
We have started a new segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This months question is:
Work Week Hustle – How to Become More Marketable
When eliminating candidates in the initial stages, hiring managers are more likely to keep those those candidates that look like they will be there for the long haul over experience.
Work Week Hustle – Candidates
This week we will be talking about the importance of filling out your timesheet correctly. Believe it or not, but how you fill out your time actually reflects on your character. It shows your integrity and honesty in the work place. Let me explain…. Think about owning your own business. The responsibility of paying for […]
Work Week Hustle – Candidates
Have you ever been around a Debbie Downer? Someone that always has something negative to say, regardless of the topic. Everyone knows someone that tends to bring down the room and nobody every wants to be surrounded by that energy. Believe it or not, but hiring managers actually look for this type of attitude when […]