Work Week Hustle – Interview Follow Up- The Fine Line Between Assertive and Pushy
It is great to follow up after an interview but one thing I find many candidates do not realize is that there are professional boundaries that you must follow. Assertive is good, pushy is not. Here are a few Do's and Don'ts on post interview follow up.
GO NUTTS for World Food Day!
World Food Day is October 16th and we wanted to find a way to get involved that will impact our direct community. That is why we have chosen 2 different ways to contribute and would like to invite you to join us:
Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files – Personal vs. Professional Relationships
We have started a segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month's question is:
Work Week Hustle – 5 Habits of the Most Successful Employees
The most successful employees are the ones that take the initiative to get noticed. They do this by creating habits within themselves that allow them to be seen as exceptional by management. Below are 5 habits of the most successful employees.
Work Week Hustle – Easy Ways to Have Some Festive Fun at Work
As we all know, a place of business is a professional space but sometimes it's nice to lighten the mood with some fall fun. Below are a few easy ways to have some festive fun at work.
Work Week Hustle – 5 Tips and Tricks for a Successful First Day of Work
Once you accept a new position, the real work begins. Itâs time to prove your professionalism starting on the first day of work. Make your life easier going into a new job by making a great first impression on both your new boss and new co-workers. Below are 5 tips and tricks on how to be successful on your first day of work.
Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files – Irritating Co-workers or Harassment?
We have started a segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month's question is:
Work Week Hustle – 3 Sure Fire Ways to Beat Job Search Opposition
In order to get what you want, you need to maintain a positive mindset. Below are 3 sure fire ways to help you beat job search opposition.
Work Week Hustle – Hilarious Interview Stories That You Won’t Believe Are Actually True
We have all been there... we go into an interview feeling ready and leave with a "what just happened?" feeling. It can make for some good learning experiences and some even better stories. Below are some hilarious interview stories that you won't believe are actually true.
Work Week Hustle – Social Media Ethics in the Workplace
Whether employed or just interviewing, not every topic is free game anymore. What you post could affect more than just you. The last thing you want to do is put yourself, the company or other staff in legal jeopardy due to information you have casually released in a public forum. Here are a few ethical areas to be careful about when posting on social media.