Swift Staffing HR Files – Ways to Handle Employee Layoffs
We have started a new segment allowing managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. April's question is...
Swift Staffing HR Files- Using PTO Time During Pandemic
We have started a segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month's question is...
Work Week Hustle – Employment, Pandemic, and Thinking Outside of the Box
As managers, many (if not all) of us have never been faced with anything in the job market like the COVID-19 pandemic. In this weeks Work Week Hustle we are discussing how we can think outside the box to help employment during pandemic.
Work Week Hustle – How to Stay Pro-Active When the Job Market Stops
It can be discouraging when the job market stops due to uncontrollable circumstances, but take heart! You can still stay pro-active in your job search. Here are 3 top ways to remain proactive when the job market stops.
Work Week Hustle: How to Handle Discrimination Complaints in the Workplace
Whatever the issue, discrimination complaints are serious and need to be handled as such. Reduce legal risk and build trust within the workplace by handling discrimination complaints carefully and quickly.
Work Week Hustle: What You Need to Know About Drug Testing and Finding a Job
If you use marijuana or other drugs for medical or recreational use, it is best to get ahead of the game by knowing what the laws/rules are in your specific state and field of work. Here is what you need to know about drug testing and finding a job.
Work Week Hustle- How to Provide a Positive Interview Experience
When an interview starts off on the wrong foot, it's hard to bring it back. Here are a few ways to provide a positive interview experience for both you and your candidate.
Work Week Hustle – 3 Easy Fixes to Help Set You Apart in Your Job Search
How to you set yourself apart from the group? It may be something simple! Here are 3 easy fixes to set you apart in your job search.
Work Week Hustle – 3 Ways to Cultivate a Positive Work Environment for Your Employees
In the real world we deal with real issues, personality clashes and negativity on a regular basis. So with everything going on around us, how do we as managers cultivate a positive work environment for our employees?
Work Week Hustle – 5 Ways to Bring a Positive Energy to Your Workplace
Everyone has worked in an office or work space that just feels like a downer. Whether everyone is having a bad day or it has become the norm to stay closed off and short with each other, it can be physically exhausting to work in a negative environment. You can complain to HR or even quit, but before taking drastic measures, why not try to be the change?